7.5, UV mapping the stem of a lamp

MORE TUTORIALS BYCHRIS TYLER: Fundamentals | Modeling Texturing | Rendering UV Mapping | Miscellaneous 7.5 Specific This UV mapping tutorial demonstrates the use of the conform unwrap function (LSCM) on UVs generated from a cylindrical map. It also shows how to use the Rotate to Grid function to facilitate the UV mapping process.
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UV unwrapping the rim of a tin can, Method 2

This UV mapping tutorial demonstrates how to use the new Conform function after having manually generating initial UVs from a cylindrically mapped texture. This is the second tutorial showing how to UV map the rim of this tin can.
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7.5, UV Mapping a tea tin container

This UV mapping tutorial shows various approaches to UV mapping parts of a tea tin type of container. It demonstrates an easy use for the new conform function, and also how to adjust UVs with the conform function which were initially created by projection.
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