Hold – and Even Walk Into – Your Designs in VR
Subscription License for Windows
Ever wonder what it would be like to be able to step into your design projects? What it would feel like to hold your creation in your hands – with just the push of a button? To walk into a space you’ve designed before a single wall, shelf or product is in place? With Spaces VR you now have the power to not just visualize, but to truly experience your ideas. No need to 3D print or build expensive prototypes – Spaces VR can put you there in seconds.
This professional version of Spaces VR requires a Windows PC equipped with a Vive VR headset and high powered 3D video card.
Hold your designs—With Strata Spaces VR, you can move your ideas from concept to virtual reality. Using Strata Design 3D you can publish your model directly to VR using Spaces. You can even use any 3D app that outputs the standard Collada file format.
Walk into your designs—Build full retail design concepts and step into them with Strata Spaces VR. Construct trade show booths, hotel lobbies – or any kind of interior space and walk into your designs. Want to test new layout ideas? Feel free to move things around – and even use realistic physics to position objects.
Share your creations—With Spaces VR you can output your VR experiences as 360° images for viewing on smartphone based systems and on websites. Inexpensive viewers, such as Google Cardboard and Gear VR allows your clients and decision makers to step into your designs. You can even embed the images for panoramic viewing on websites, and as 360° posts on Facebook.
Part of the Strata Design Suite—For the best value, purchase Strata Spaces VR in the Design Suite. Click here to view these purchasing options.