Basic Polygon Editing for Beginners (CX, CXi only)

This is a series of short videos for beginners who want to dive into polygon editing. If you don't know where to start this is a good place. It walks through the creation of a basic shape, showing how to achieve it in multiple ways. You'll get a taste of subdivision surfaces too.
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Controlling your light intensity through material parameters

Here are two videos which show how to control the lighting in a scene by adjusting several material channels. The diffuse and ambient amount channels govern how much light is absorbed or reflected back to the viewer. These videos show how to use them.
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Quick Tip – Adjusting the Clipping Plane and Resetting the View

You may have come across a situation where the front portion of your view seems to be sliced off. This can be alarming or frustrating until you learn what it is and how to handle it. In this video, we will learn ways to manipulate the clipping plane, and reset the view to a selected object, to all objects, or to the active grid.
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