Using Replace and Exchange Selected to help with material randomization

In this tutorial, we look at the use of Replace and Exchange selected to help reorganize a stair setup in an architectural setting, to facilitate better object management. We also look at the randomization of textures on the object that results from these features.
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An SSD Drive type object, Part 3: UV Mapping

In part 3 of the SSD drive series, we uv map part of the object to help produce a metallic band material. Part 1 is here: Part 2 is here:
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About caustics, Part 2: indirect caustics

In part 2 on caustics, we look at indirect caustics and how to control them. We specifically look at raydiosity sampling and the cache hits parameter which can have a significant impact on their quality. The cache hits parameter also can be used to make the renderer progressively more accurate.
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