Setting up lighting for a simple interior scene

This materials and lighting tutorial shows how to approach the lighting setup for an interior type of scene. It uses a single spot light and a white lightdome for lighting and shows how to evaluate the contribution of each to the final diffuse lighting. It also sets up a couple of materials which are important to the scene.

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  1. RockTennWS

    Great little rundown on lighting!

    One question I do have though is that in Part I, you mention that you “never ever use raytracing” – why is that? What is the difference(s) between raytracing and radiosity?

  2. Chris Tyler

    The ‘Raytracing Renderer’ utilizes the same core as the raydiosity renderer. The only difference is that when you select ‘Raytracing’ it populates the render dialog channels with different presets that are designed more to be backward compatible with older versions of Design 3D. By using using the raydiosity ‘renderer’ (again, just a series of presets), you get a more advanced set of presets. This just makes it easier to render with. At the core, raytracing is the fundamental kind of technology used for both, raydiosity just has more advanced features enabled.

  3. jakamo

    Hi Chris,

    When examining your model of the building I noticed that it was one sided with the normals facing inward, which makes sense. Does this offer any advantage in rendering time compared to a two sided object?

    Thanks for another excellent tutorial.


  4. melristau

    Excellent tutorial Chris. Learned a lot.

    I’m not finding much regarding architectural interiors. (Most of my rendering is of sculpture in atrium spaces.) Possible to provide an additional tutorial on large scale interior spaces? I’d gladly donate a model of an airport gate expansion.

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