by Chris Tyler: Fundamentals | Modeling
Texturing | 7.5 Rendering
UV Mapping | Misc
8.0 Specific
Version 7.5 Tutorials
Tutorials and feature demonstrations for the new 7.5 version of Design 3D.
7.5 Wrench Project, Part 1: Handle Modeling
This is a modeling tutorial for Design 3D version 7.5. It models the handle of a wrench and demonstrates various new modeling enhancements in 7.5 notably the new Segment Edge function.
7.5 Wrench Project, Part 2: Handle UV Mapping
This UV mapping tutorial demonstrates new UV functionality in Design 3D 7.5. It also shows how to use both Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop as part of the UV mapping process.
7.5 Wrench Project, Part 3: Head UV Unwrap
This UV mapping tutorial demonstrates new UV functionality in Design 3D 7.5, using the wrench as a demonstration object. This particular tutorial looks at the head of the wrench and specifically how to apply edge cuts in order to get a good unwrap. It also demonstrates some updates to the Tolerance Weld and Convert functionality.
7.5 Wrench Project, Part 4: Rendering
This rendering tutorial walks through the lighting for the wrench. It uses both the Lightdome and light panels.
Conform UV Mapping (LSCM)
This 7.5 feature demonstration shows what the
Conform unwrap function does. Conform creates an ‘unwrapped’ 2D representation of a 3D polygon mesh and is a powerful UV mapping technology.
Convert Function Enhancements
This 7.5 feature demonstration shows various productivity enhancements to the Convert function in version 7.5.
Move To functions
This 7.5 feature demonstration shows what the Move To functions do. The Move To functions help to accurately position polygon elements relative to an active grid or other polygon elements. This is especially useful for architectural type modeling.
Rotate Connected
This 7.5 feature demonstration shows what the Rotate Connected functions do. Rotate Connected allows for the re-orientation of a polygon mesh by using a single edge (or two vertices) to be aligned relative to an active grid or a guide.
Segment Edge
This 7.5 feature demonstration shows what the Segment Edge function does. The Segment Edge function allows for a single edge to be divided into a user defined number of edges.
Select Perimeter
This 7.5 feature demonstration shows what the Select Perimeter function does. The Select Perimeter function allows for a complex selection to be converted to only a perimeter set of edges or polygons.
Show Face Normals
This Design 3D 7.5 feature demonstrations shows what the new Show Face Normals function does.
Toggle UV Seams
This Design 3D 7.5 feature demonstrations shows what the Toggle UV Seams Edges function does.
7.5, Simple Conform (Unwrap) Examples, Part 1
This UV mapping tutorial demonstrates how to use the new Conform (unwrap) function using simple examples.
7.5, Simple Conform (Unwrap) Examples, Part 2
This UV mapping tutorial demonstrates how to use the new Conform (unwrap) function using simple examples.
7.5, Unwrapping the rim of a tin can, Method 1
This UV mapping tutorial demonstrates how to use the new Conform function, in addition to various UV editing techniques, to unwrap the rim of a tin can type object. This is the first method, a second one will follow in a separate tutorial.
7.5, Unwrapping the rim of a tin can, Method 2
This UV mapping tutorial demonstrates how to use the new Conform function after having manually generating initial UVs from a cylindrically mapped texture. This is the second tutorial showing how to UV map the rim of this tin can.
7.5, UV Mapping an L-shaped mesh
This UV mapping tutorial shows how to deal with complex topologies in the UV mapper using the Conform function.
7.5, UV Mapping a mid-century modern end-table
This uv mapping tutorial for Design 3D 7.5 shows how to UV map an end table.
7.5, UV Mapping a mechanical type shape
This Design 3D 7.5 UV mapping tutorial show various approaches to UV mapping a mechanical type shape. It also specifically shows how to ensure that each UV island has the same size relationship as the rest of the mesh.
7.5, UV Mapping a metal clamp
This UV mapping tutorial shows how to UV map a metal type clamp object. It focuses on reconstructing some UVs after an ‘accidental’ deletion of geometry.
7.5, Being aware of polygon facing direction when UV mapping
This Design 3D 7.5 UV mapping tutorial demonstrates an important factor (face direction) to consider when UV mapping with the new Conform function in order to get predictable results.
7.5, UV Mapping a padlock with the Conform function
This UV mapping tutorial shows how to use the Conform function in Design 3D version 7.5. It also shows how to identify ‘hinge’ edges for use in unwrapping.
7.5, Using a combination of Conform and manual UV mapping
This UV mapping tutorial shows how to use the Conform function in Design 3D version 7.5 in conjunction with manual UV manipulation to UV map a mid-century modern type chair.
7.5, UV mapping the stem of a lamp
This UV mapping tutorial demonstrates the use of the conform function on UVs generated from a cylindrical map. It also shows how to use the Rotate to Grid function to facilitate the UV mapping process.
7.5, UV Mapping a Simple Ribbon Shape
This 7.5 UV mapping tutorial shows how to create, then adjust and re-adjust UV’s for a simple polygon mesh derived from a bezier curve. It specifically shows how to integrate unbound UVs generated as a result of newly extruded polygons.
7.5, UV Mapping a Spatula object
This 7.5 UV mapping tutorial shows how to use the new Rotate Connected function to prepare geometry for UV mapping. It then proceeds to unwrap the spatula shape using as a starting point a projected texture.
7.5, UV Mapping a tea tin container
This UV mapping tutorial shows various approaches to UV mapping parts of a tea tin type of container. It demonstrates an easy use for the new conform function, and also how to adjust UVs with the conform function which were initially created by projection.
7.5, Wood Frame UV Mapping
This UV mapping tutorial shows how to unwrap a wood frame component of a grandfather clock. It demonstrates the use of the new Conform function after initial UVs were generated using a projected texture.
7.5, UV Mapping a Cylindrical Object
This 7.5 UV mapping tutorial walks through the process of UV mapping a cylindrical object with rounded top and bottom corners. It shows how to use either the Conform mechanism, or an initial projection mechanism (cylindrical projection mapping) to generate UV coordinates that are then run through the Conform system. It specifically address the issue of seams and how they are or are not used.
7.5, UV Mapping a Mid-Century Modern Chair
This 7.5 UV mapping tutorial walks through the process of UV mapping a chair seat using 3 different approaches (direct conform, using planar projection, using BurnUV ‘Use Box’ option). These 3 approaches demonstrates different ways of dealing with topological challenges in a given model.
7.5, UV Mapping a simple food package
This 7.5 UV mapping tutorial walks through the process of UV mapping a relatively simple food type package. It starts off with a very simple piece of subdivision surface geometry and shows why it’s not quite optimal for unwrapping. It makes some adjustments to the geometry, and shows a 2 step process to get a good usable unwrap.
7.5, UV Map the label of a beer bottle
This UV mapping tutorial creates geometry that will be used as the label on the neck of a beer bottle. It uses boolean operations and also goes through the UV mapping process for the label using the new UV tools in 7.5.

Model a simple object with a hole
This project walks through different methods for creating a triangular object with a hole through it. It is designed for beginners who want to better understand the use of the polygon modeling tools within Design 3D CX.

Model a kitchen timer
This modeling tutorial shows how to use grids and guides to effectively control the modeling process in order to model a kitchen timer type object.

Modeling a snorkel mask, Part 1
This modeling tutorial walks through the creation of the first part of a snorkel mask. It uses polygon modeling and subdivision surfaces.

7.5, Modeling an old radio
This project walks through the modeling and UV mapping of an old Zenith radio.

7.5, Modeling a dental floss container
This project walks through the modeling, texturing and rendering of both the floss container and packaging.
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Hi Chris, thank you for the tutorials…. But where can we find the update???
Nowhere to be found…..
It should be available within a day or so.
Hi Chris
Can you please do a tutorial using CAD files imported into Strata, modelling and rendering as I have tried using version 7 with no luck.
What kind of CAD files? They usually need to be translated into a polygon format like OBJ first.
Hi Chris
Sorry that I have not replied earlier, I have been away. I don;t know anything about CAD files, but one of my clients keeps on asking if I can’t make use of the Auto CAD files that he has for his products. I will find out and send you a sample file.