PROJECT COMPONENT: Liquids in a Container, Geometry Setup

This tutorial walks through the correct geometric setup for creating an object which appears to contain liquid.

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  1. Randy Mays

    Great tutorial. This is something new. I seem to remember a tutorial involving a perfume bottle where you did inset the liquid material away from the glass. Would you handle that model differently now?

  2. shepherd

    Good tutorial! Have to stay patient from the 1st set of tutorials to gather why & what is going on. My only question is what if i create something w/index refraction but I need its reflective characteristics to reflect a 2D rastered image? Lets say I was putting this liquid bottle you created into a laboratory scene & I wanted it to interact w/that scene? Would I use my 2D imagery as part of the lightdome environment if I didn’t want to final render out something w/that checker pattern?

  3. Chris Tyler

    I’m not sure I fully understand. If you need the bottle to reflect something like a vector image, you need to convert it to a bitmap format. Then you can use that either mapped onto some geometry or put in the light dome. It would then reflect in objects.

  4. Chris Tyler

    If you select the polygons (in polygon edit mode), bring up the context menu and select Flip. This will invert the direction of the polygons (facing out to facing in for example).


    Thanks Chris, another question, how do I know what direction the normals are facing?

  6. Chris Tyler

    Make sure Backface Culling is enabled and the object has ‘One Sided’ checked in the object properties palette. Then you’ll see indications about the direction of the polygon. If you look at my tutorials index, there’s a ‘Sidedness’ fundamentals entry in the ‘Object Characteristics’ subsection. This is a 5 minute video that’ll give you some specifics on the subject.


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