Adding ridges to a pill bottle cap, Part 1

This beginner modeling tutorial for people new to Design 3D shows how to add little grip ridges to a pill bottle cap. NOTE: The start file is in 8.2.1 format and this isn’t backward compatible to prior versions. However, the start file also includes an OBJ version of the cap mesh which can be opened and used in versions prior to the 8.2.1 update.
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Revising a magazine holder geometry

This beginner modeling tutorial shows several approaches to modeling a relatively simple piece of geometry. It shows how to revise some existing geometry using the polygon modeling tools, but also how to start the document/magazine holder from scratch using a couple of different bezier curve objects, then convert the bezier based geometry into a polygon mesh for final set up.
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Modeling a stairwell component, Part 1, for beginners

This tutorial is for people quite new to Design 3D who want to get a sense for object manipulation and modeling using a real-world project. It shows how to finish the construction of a simple stairwell component, using several different approaches (object level, element level), in order to get a sense for how Design 3D handles geometry.
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