Using the Inverse Square light falloff law

This tutorial shows how to use two lighting panels to light the scene, and using the inverse square light falloff law to control light and dark regions of this studio-photography like setting. It explains how to use their placement to control how light is cast into the scene.
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Adaptive Shadow Sampling in version 8.1

This tutorial shows differences in how version 8.1 handles shadow regions for both global illumination and shadows from point light sources as determined by the Adaptive Shadow Sampling parameter. Improvements to this area help to create cleaner looking images in shadow regions. It explains value ranges useful for Adaptive Shadow Sampling.
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Working with Direct and Indirect light

This tutorial is designed for those new to Design 3D who want to know the difference between direct and indirect diffuse illumination. It also shows how to control parameters which influence these lighting types in Render dialog. It specifically looks at the Lighting, Shadow and Detail panels, covering Raydiosity Bounces, Cache Hits, Adaptive Shadow Sampling, and Anti-Aliasing parameters as they relate to direct and indirect illumination.
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Air Freshener Display, Part 5: Final Setup and Rendering

>This is the final tutorial in the ‘Air Freshener’ display packaging tutorial series. It sets up the final scene, including the posing of the riser and packets, lighting set up and camera setup.
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