Creating a Camera for Live 3D – Section 1: Video Chapters 1, 2 and 3

This three section, nine chapter video series shows you how to use Design 3D CX 6 and Live 3D CX 2 to create a fully interactive 3D model and embed it in your own website. Part 1: Video Chapters 1, 2 and 3. These chapters cover modeling, export and sequences. You will learn how to set up your model in Design 3D CX 6, add animation and then export to Live 3D CX 2. Once in Live 3D, you will get started setting up waypoints and sequences.
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Working with Cubes and Rounded Cubes, Part 3

In this third video on cubes, we will convert a cube to both polygon mesh and Bezier surface, and compare the results. We'll discuss why you might chose one or the other for specific modeling or texturing needs, and do some simple polygon mesh modeling. We also do a quick replication of Chris Tyler's milk carton model if you would like a quick review of that process.
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Diamonds: Simple brilliant cut

If you enjoyed Gems 101, you may want to learn more about creating 3D gemstones. Here is a brief tutorial on modeling the geometry of a Brilliant Cut diamond, starting from a cylinder, converting into a polygon mesh, and then extruding, scaling, connecting and deleting points.
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Modeling a Triangular Tube with Complex Tapered Angles – Part 6

Our model as we have created it so far is likely finished enough for many circumstances. Sometimes the model wll be rendered in close-up, and the rendering will benefit from a few more details. Here we take a look at a few possible finishing touches. Tools and key concepts: Bevel edges to simulate fillet Add edges to create more definition
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Modeling a Triangular Tube with Complex Tapered Angles – Part 5

. In this part, we will place dividing edges along the existing geometry to extract faces that will ultimately become perfectly positioned rivets. With this part, we are moving out of beginner territory into a more intermediate level of difficulty, but if you have followed along so far, you should be able to follow these steps as well. Tools and key concepts: Select Through Bevel Slide (CX) only or an SE workaround Copy and paste existing faces to create new object Thickness (CX only) or a thickness workaround for SE Using subdivision to change square things into round things Editing a square thing so that it becomes a round thing
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