Creating a threaded-screw object

Here's another tutorial on how to improve the realism of metals (and other similar materials). Compare the left and right images. Which looks more real? The right you probably say and would be right. The way light reflects off the surface is more correct. This tutorial explains how to achieve this.
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Cylindrical mapping and UV coordinates

This is a tutorial aimed at both new and perhaps more advanced users which deals with the relationship between UV mapping and cylindrical projection mapping. Specifically, it deals with two things; how to map the caps separately from the cylinder; and how to create distortion free UV's for the body, meaning how to maintain the correct aspect ratio of the cylinder 3D geometry to the UV space geometry. In many ways this is geared towards users newer to UV mapping so there's a lot of explanation about the UV space. This tutorial is done entirely in Design3D but does use Wings3D to help demonstrate a few parts of the tutorial (it's not necessary to know Wings3D for this tutorial).
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Makeup Tube

This is a tutorial which models then UV maps a simple subdivision surface object which represents a makeup or personal care product type of package design. There is a video showing how it's modeled, and one showing how it's UV mapped. The UV mapping video discusses some of the challenges this object poses for the unwrapping process.
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Modeling a soap holder

This modeling tutorial for beginners walks through the creation of a metal bathroom soap holder. It helps to demonstrate how to effectively use the polygon modeling tools for those who want to become more familiar with them. This tutorial also shows how to achieve a model from multiple directions.
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