Bezier Conversion Example 2

In this tutorial we take a look at the geometry conversion pathway, specifically dealing with the creation of skin bezier objects that are then converted to spline and eventually to polygon mesh. It also shows how to specifically prepare bezier art in Adobe Illustrator to get the most predictable skinning result.
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Grid Templates and Smooth Mesh

This tutorial shows how to assign ‘grid templates’ to the Z and X standard grids to help model a product. It also shows how to use the Smooth Mesh function in conjunction with the Skin tool to begin modeling the product in the grid template.
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Adding ridges to a pill bottle cap, Part 1

This beginner modeling tutorial for people new to Design 3D shows how to add little grip ridges to a pill bottle cap. NOTE: The start file is in 8.2.1 format and this isn’t backward compatible to prior versions. However, the start file also includes an OBJ version of the cap mesh which can be opened and used in versions prior to the 8.2.1 update.
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