Camera walkthrough animation basics

This animation tutorial shows the basics for setting up a camera walkthrough. It shows how to enable position animation for a camera, and also how to animate a ‘target’ object to control the camera’s focal point. The last video is an actual animation (by Chris Tyler) from a project that utilized the techniques outlined in this tutorial.
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FUNDAMENTALS: 3D Basics for New Users

This is a series of introductory lectures and tutorials for those new to 3D. These videos cover Design3D versions 7.0, 7.5 and 8.0. They walk through simple tasks to provide basic working knowledge of Design 3D. Topics include the nature of X, Y, and Z axes, view manipulation, palettes, the nature of polygons, active grids, constraints, normals, the origin, working with cameras and lights and more.
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Fundamentals of Design 3D CX 8

Getting Started Series Fundamentals of Design 3D CX 8 for Mac This series of videos provides the fundamentals for new users – or users who just need a refresher. The basics are covered, including some features that are new to version 8. These videos are part of the Getting Started series, and can also be accessed using the Design 3D CX 8 “Help” menu.
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